Ethiopian General who Refused to Cut His Hair When He was asked by a British Doctor – Jagama Kelo


Jagama Kelo was just fifteen years old when he went to fight the second Italian invasion of Ethiopia, which began on the 3rd of October 1935. In an interview with the BBC’s Elizabeth Blunt (now in the Imperial War Museum in London) he described his war experiences. At the time when the Italian forces, under Generals Rodolfo Graziani and Pietro Badoglio, had started the war in the country, Jagama Kelo was no more than a young man. Jagama had heard tales of his brave ancestors as a boy and hoped to emulate them. When the Italian invasion took place Jagama saw his chance.

With his elder brother and uncle, he took to the bush, determined to resist. At first he had no gun – only his elder brother had one. But they ambushed Italian troops and gradually armed themselves. Peasants joined the struggle and by the end of the war they had over 3,000 fighters under their command. The largest battle he recalled was at Seyoum Mariam, some 55 km from Addis.

    Jagama says they were told by a woman fighter where to find the Italians and in a surprise attack broke through their lines. They killed 72 Italians in the engagement, capturing some 3,000 rifles. On 5th May 1941, after years in exile in Britain, the Emperor Haile Selassie returned to his capital. Jagama, who had received no British help during the 5 years of the war, refused to go to Addis Ababa for the ceremony. In the end the Emperor came to Gimchi. Jagama says he put his 3,500 troops on parade, to greet Haile Selassie.

     He was then driven in the Emperor’s own car to his palace, where he was awarded a gabardine coat and a gold watch. But the war was not yet over. Jimma was still under Italian control. The Emperor asked Jagama for help and he says he led his forces into battle. Reports suggest the area was‘swarming with Patriots’ – many of whom may have been loyal to Jagama.

He told the BBC that his forces captured some 500 Italian soldiers, whom he handed over to the British. Jagama became dangerously ill with malaria and was taken to hospital in Addis Ababa. But the British doctor refused to treat him until he had a haircut. But Jagama was very proud of his ‘afro’, since it had scared his enemies and he refused and went home. It was only when the Emperor came to his house and personally ordered that his hair be cut to save his life that he gave in and accepted his fate. The war was over, but Jagama remained in the military, rising to the rank of Lieutenant General. His story and the story of the Africans who fought in the Second World War are recounted in a BBC documentary.

Source: BBC


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