Ethiopia: International Coffee Day to Be Held At Birthplace

As the celebration of International coffee day should not ignore the agricultural commodity's birthplace, Ethiopia will stage series of events that lasts for a month, said Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority.

In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, Sahlemariam Gebremedhin, Authority's Public Relations and Communication Director said Ethiopia, a birthplace of coffee, has to come to the minds of people while marking the day.

The Authority is mulling over suitable period to celebrate it in line with the prevention of COVID-19. As to him, it will be the 3rd time for Ethiopia to commemorate the Day.

 Besides this, the country has also been selected to host the African Fine Coffees Conference & Exhibition event by February 2021, he noted. Moreover he stated that hosting such events helps the country to increase tourists' inflow and foreign exchange besides promoting the Ethiopian coffee.

He further asserted that the Authority is preparing different studies which are particularly concerned on Ethiopia's coffee in order to benefit farmers, exporters, associations and all pertinent bodies.

Different local and international documents indicate that Coffee can be traced all the way back to the 9th century. This is when the coffee plant was discovered in Ethiopia. This plant smelled of jasmine and had white blossoms with red fruit.

It wasn't long before people began to take the leaves off of this plant and boil them to make a tasty beverage. After a while, people began to believe this beverage had medicinal properties and the fame of coffee began to spread all throughout the Arabian Peninsula.

The international community celebrated the International Coffee Day on October 1, 2020 through video conference and some other events under the theme 'Coffee's Next Generation'. The theme is also a global initiative organized by International Coffee Organization (ICO) targeting talented and motivated young people and entrepreneurs in the coffee sector.


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